Stakeholders Empowerment Services is a Corporate Governance research and advisory firm. It is the first Company to register as Proxy Advisor under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014 with registration number INH000000016. SES believes that active participation of stakeholders in the Corporate Governance is a prerequisite for the Company's long-term sustainable growth. Therefore, SES works with investors to help them analyze governance practices prevalent at listed companies, educate them on matters that pertain to Corporate Governance and empower them through governance tools that facilitate meaningful participation in Corporate Governance.
Our values define who we are and guide us in our mission. Our unique culture and value system helps us build competitive advantage and make a tangible impact in the governance space.
We do not have any material association with listed firms. Our employees do not hold directorships at listed companies. This helps us maintain our independence and provide unbiased advice to clients. We do not accept assignments that may have potential conflicts with our objectives.
We provide governance advisory services to investors at listed companies. To remove any conflict of interests, we do not have any pecuniary or advisory relationship with listed companies. We have internal controls for interactions with listed firms and maintain a clear audit trail.
SES has adopted a not-for-profit business model to eliminate any perceived compromise with independence and to mitigate any potential conflict of interests. Our business model ensures that we place clients’ interests above our own and treat each client equally.
Our diverse and independent advisory board guides our policy making process which ensures that our policies are transparent and take opinions of all stakeholders into accounts. We disclose all non-material relationships with listed firms on our website and use only public information for analysis.
We deliver end-to-end governance solutions to investors. Our services help our clients analyze governance practices and facilitate constructive engagement with companies and their management.
We provide unbiased and independent recommendations to shareholders on resolutions proposed in shareholder meetings. Our service helps investors engage with managements and boards in a constructive manner and take informed voting actions.
Read More View ReportsOur proprietary governance scoring model objectively evaluates Corporate Governance across various dimensions and allows investors to incorporate governance risk factors in their investment decision making process.
Read MoreSES is at the forefront of governance thought leadership and provides cutting edge corporate governance research to investors. We conduct in-depth analysis to identify governance issues plaguing companies, transactions, sectors and even the broader markets.
Read MoreOur team consists of competent, self-driven and energetic young people, guided by the experience and knowledge of market veterans. Our team is passionate about our mission and is driven towards generating value for our clients.
View ProfileOur advisory board, comprising of stalwarts in the field of Corporate Governance, provides us unbiased guidance on policy issues which enhances the robustness and transparency of our policy making process.
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